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PicoScope Vehicle Diagnostic Oscilloscope Kits

After establishing your need for a PicoScope 4225 or PicoScope 4425, how do you choose the right kit? Below is a summary of our kits, ranging from starter kits (giving you a basic set of adaptors to get going with PicoScope), right up to our 4-Channel advanced kit (offering a comprehensive range of accessories within the kit). The kits are available in a carry case, foam trolley trays, or both.

2 Channel Starter Kit

2 Channel Vehicle Diagnostic Starter Kit India
2 Channel Vehicle Diagnostic Starter Kit Content

4 Channel Starter Kit

4 Channel Vehicle Diagnostic Starter Kit India
4 Channel Vehicle Diagnostic Starter Kit Content

2 Channel Standard Kit

PicoScope Oscilloscopes Automotive Standard Kit India

2 Channel PicoScope Oscilloscopes Automotive Standard Kit Content

4 Channel Standard Kit

PicoScope Oscilloscopes Automotive Standard Kit India
4 Channel PicoScope Oscilloscopes Automotive Standard Kit Content

4 Channel Diesel Kit

PicoScope Diesel Kit for Vehicle Test
4 Channel PicoScope Oscilloscopes Automotive Diesel Kit Content

4 Channel Advanced Kit

Vehicle Diagnostic Advanced Kit Oscilloscope India
4 Channel PicoScope Oscilloscopes Automotive Advance Kit Content

4 Channel Master Kit

PicoScope Automotive Oscilloscope Master Kit India

Our Automotive Master Kit has been designed to give our customers a way of buying everything they could need in one hit. While there is always more you can buy to add to your toolbox, in this instance we’ve put together our most comprehensive kit to-date. Our Master Kit consists of an upgraded and extended Advanced Kit, in a new larger tougher carry case and our WPS500X Maxi Kit in a separate case.

4 Channel Assessors kit

PicoScope Automotive 4 Channel Assessors kit
PicoScope Automotive 4 Channel Assessors kit Content

4 Channel EV kit

PicoScope Automotive 4 Channel EV kit
PicoScope Automotive 4 Channel EV kit Content

Off-Highway Elite Kit

PicoScope Automotive Off-Highway Elite Kit
PicoScope Automotive Off-Highway Elite Kit Content

Off-Highway Entry Kit

PicoScope Automotive Off-Highway Entry Kit
PicoScope Automotive Off-Highway Entry Kit Content

Off-Highway Expert Kit

PicoScope Automotive Off-Highway Expert Kit
PicoScope Automotive Off-Highway Expert Kit Content

8 Channel Professional kit

PicoScope Automotive Oscilloscope 8 Channel Professional Kit
PicoScope Automotive Oscilloscope 8 Channel Professional Kit Content

Feel free to contact us for any queries you may have.