Repair & Calibration Service Available
Get your
Solartron 1250A quotation today.
Also avaialble
Solartron 1254 & 1260
Frequency Responce Aanalyzer
(Four independent analyzers
operating in parallel)
Related Links
Spectrum & Network Analyzers
(All trademarks acknowledged) E. & O. E.
The 1250's applications include analysis of non-linear
systems, transducer & control system characterization, electrochemistry,
and materials testing. An optional synchronizer permits locking
the 1250 to rotating or reciprocating machinery for applications
such as turbine analysis. A modulator-demodulator and plotter interface
are also available.
Solartron / Schlumberger 1250A - Features
- FAC amplitude range - 10 mV to 10 V, for power supply testing.
- Analyzer range 30 mV - 300 V, i.e. suitable for ATS (Automated
Test Systems), power station vibration testing.
- Noise rejection capability.
- Synchronizer option enabling generator and carrier signals
to be locked in terms of frequency / phase.
- Ability to analyze non-linear systems.
- Front panel or software (Visual Basic) control.
- Modulator / demodulator card option for interfacing to AC
carrier systems.
The 300 V range on the 1250A is particularly useful
for making measurements on fuel cell stacks and high voltage batteries,
used in hybrid vehicles and residential power supplies.
Ask for detailed specification for Schlumberger / Solartron