Amplitude and Pulse Modulation
Amplitude modulation with a 1 dB band-width of 30 kHz and modulation
depths of up to 99.9% with a resolution of 0.1% ensures the generator is suitable for testing AM systems and
undertaking EMC immunity measurements. The standard pulse modulation facility has an on/off ratio of better
than 40 dB and a rise/fall time of less than 10 μs enabling characterization of TDMA or TDD bursts in RF amplifiers
and modules. The internal square wave modulation source may be used to self pulse modulate the generator for
use in EMI applications.
Frequency and Phase Modulation
With a 1 dB FM bandwidth of 275 kHz and a deviation range of 0 to
12.8 MHz, the 2023A/B and 2025 signal generators offer a wide range frequency modulation capability. AC or DC
coupled FM can be selected with very low carrier frequency error and drift in the DC coupled mode ideal for
testing paging and DCS (Digitally Coded Squelch) equipment accurately. The phase modulation facility is ideal
for testing narrow band analog radios with a deviation range of 0 to 10 radians and a 3 dB bandwidth up to 10
Marconi / IFR 2024 / 03 Features
- Frequency : 9 kHz to 2.05 GHz
- Excellent spectral purity
- Linear and logarithmic sweep mode
- RPP to 50 W
- Sine, triangular and square wave two tone modulation source
- RS-232 and GPIB control
- Option 03 : High Power
Ask for Marconi 2023B detailed specification.